This is not an ideal place to be in life I know. Wanting to know how to get your
ex back, you must be feeling very much alone and confused. Not understand
exactly where you went wrong in the relationship. Remember, everyone has gone
through this before and while it may not be of much comfort to you now, these
people did survive it. Everyone does.
Fortunately- there is some good news
though. You certainly can get your ex back. In the course of this article, i'll
show you some things that can help you to work wonders towards getting your ex
First off, here are a few things not to do....
* Do not call them or
message them constantly
* Do not stalk them
* Don't stay home and be sad
and cry
* Do not try to go and pick up someone at a bar
* Don't get
Here are some things that you should be doing....
* Go out for
an evening with some of your friends
* Get yourself into better shape
Give your ex space to be alone
* Get out and get some sun and read a
* Do go out and make some friends and meet new people
The one big
thing that will push your ex even farther away from you is clingyness. Give your
ex some room to breathe. If they don't want to hear from you, don't call them!
Leave them alone. This is something I used often- and I love this saying. Give
them the best gift of all...
Give them the gift of missing you!
stuff isnt it? When someone cannot have something, they want it more. It's
simply the law of attraction. Also, if that someone see's that person being
enjoyed by another, that also makes them want that person more and this is where
not being available, not sitting by the phone and going out makes a big
I know you don't 'feel' like going out. But, do it! It's one of
the best ways to get your ex back- I promise. Who knows- perhaps you might even
find someone else while you are out who is even MORE what you wanted in
Noting can turn a person off on this planet more than someone who's
desperate. No one wants to be with anyone who is desperate to be with them. It
isn't romantic, but it IS scary!
Stay positive and positive things will
happen in your life.