
Everybody's familiar with the concept of the comfort zone

Everybody's familiar with the concept of the comfort zone. It's where we live most of the time. Some of our campers describe what it's like inside their comfort zones: comfortable, safe, familiar, and... boring.

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As they explore their comfort zones, they realize that it's a great place to feel safe, but no learning or growing can take place there. Outside the comfort zone is the only place where they can take risks, discover, meet people, have fun - and learn.

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Masking, bookworming, conformity, and FIMAGE are about staying inside the comfort zone. They're buffers between us and the exciting parts of life. When teens think of it this way, life outside the comfort zone appeals to their sense of adventure. They're not into boring. They like excitement.

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Teens know what it's like outside their comfort zones. They've all been there. And they've all had positive experiences there: the first time they tried to rollerblade, drive a car, sing karaoke. They recall that these moments were uncomfortable, awkward, and even a little scary. But what a rush it was when they discovered they could do it! Campers who understand the difference between life inside and outside their comfort zones understand that they can't go for these incredible experiences and stay anonymous behind their images, beneath their masks, or with their noses in a book. It doesn't work. They understand that they have to let go of how they look if they want to take on the adventure. Once they've spent time exploring this idea they're hungry to experience life outside their comfort zones firsthand. One of our traditions is to put on a familiar piece of music while campers form a circle. It's a team-building, energizing activity where teens have an opportunity to dance across the circle in whatever manner they choose. For some it's the first time they've been fully themselves in a long time. Stepping outside the comfort zone is all about seizing the moment - grabbing whatever adventure the present has to offer. The Key of Excellence we call "This Is It!" is about being aware of the present moment - and always making the most it. This key helps teens journey outside their comfort zones because it's all about embracing whatever life brings, even if - especially if - it isn't what they expected. When they apply this key they discover that when they're in the now, life is more exciting. When they're fully in the moment they're vibrant, alive, supercharged. They enjoy what they're doing more, get more out of it, and are better at it. As one teen put it, when you're committed to being in the moment, you're "riding life 'til the wheels fall off." A SuperCamp program grad, Grayson, wrote that he drew a lot of strength from this key: "I've gained the power not to be so shy. I've learned that it's really a good thing for a guy to be open and sensitive. The key for me is This Is It! My life is fulfilled if I live each day as if it were my last."

