
Forensic Psychology & Just What do Real Forensic Psychologists do

What is
Forensic Psychology & Just What do Real Forensic Psychologists do?

What is the difference between a clinical psychologist and forensic psychologist? Take this example: There抯 a car accident. The passenger is emotionally traumatized and voluntarily hires a psychologist. The treatment is clinical in nature and designed to assist the client in recovering from the trauma. Because of her trauma, she sues the driver. A second psychologist is asked to provide a legal report for the court on the woman regarding the extent of the trauma, and to assess the psychological damage incurred. This second psychologist is providing forensic services.

In forensic psychology, a forensic psychologist is responsible for collecting and assessing factual data related to legal cases. Forensic psychologists may work with victims or criminals, with trial lawyers as a consultants or expert witnesses, with public administrators to formulate public policy on psychology and the law.

Family Court

If you抳e read about family court cases that involved child custody, visitation rights, child abuse, adoption or termination of parental rights, a forensic psychologist was involved in the assessments and evaluations culminating in recommendations to the court.

Civil Court

For civil court cases such as personal injury, sexual harassment and discrimination, worker抯 compensation, and competency hearings, forensic psychologists are required to give their expert testimony to the judge could make a qualified determination based on facts.

In civil court cases, psychologists also provide psychotherapy and counseling to individuals affected by trauma related to injury or crime.

Criminal Court

Often forensic psychologists are called upon for pre-trial, pre-sentencing, or probation evaluations of juveniles and adults. Their assessments provide insight into the circumstances and behavior related to the juvenile and adult criminals?actions. Other criminal court issues forensic psychologists may address include but are not limited to counseling individuals who violate court orders, victims of crimes, and violent offenders.

Studies in forensic psychology begin with an undergraduate degree, but the minimum degree required in this field is a graduate degree in
Psychology Schools.

