
Median nerve controls all these sensations coming from the shoulder to the thumb and the palm

Median nerve controls all these sensations coming from the shoulder to the thumb and the palm. Not the little finger though. The pain thus caused is pushed from the palm and the wrist to the arm. It can also cause a lot of weakness in the affected area. Carpal tunnel syndrome is when there is trauma caused to the peripheral nerves of the body or when they are compressed for whatever reasons.

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If your palm has some itching sensation or a feeling like burning then it is symptom of carpal tunnel syndromes. You could also feel tingling sensation in the palm and the fingers.All symptoms affect these three the most. They may touch both hot and cold but will not be able to distinguish one from the other. Like all major nerve related problems , in this case too the symptoms begin to surface at night. They say that their fingers are swollen but the swelling is not visible. This treatment should start immediately. Please do not be your own doctor with the help of what you might read about it anywhere. Arthritis and diabetes are two of such underlying causes. Before starting Carpal tunnel treatment, these underlying causes should be treated first.

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This rest is your initial treatment for carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Avoiding such activities is the best option. So the best is to stay away from computer. In some cases the doctor could immobilize the wrist in a splint to avoid any further damage. If you have a splint on , the wrist will be saved from the agony of any accidental damage. This can also be treated with non surgical treatments. He will review and confirm what kind of treatment is necessary to restore normalcy.

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By and large there are two types of surgery that can be performed to restore the normalcy in the affected area. First is Open release surgery which is a traditional way of operating. This incision is made in the wrist. This is done to enlarge the carpal tunnel. This surgery leaves very little discomfort after the surgery. There are many treatments which do not require surgery of any type.

